But he doesn't bruise easily.
The nature of bruising is that it does not occur right away only after 2-3 days. Fields took pictures of her bruises on the spot and one of her colleagues said he saw the bruises. that is impossible. Bruises don’t happen in 5 minutes.
Depending on where the blow or pressure fell on the body, and the person’s susceptibility to bruising, and how hard either for was applied, it will take from two to three days for a bruise to show on a person. If bruises appeared within a few hours then she was manhandled - or “personhandled,” to use the PC phrase - by someone other than Corey or the SS.
Physically he doesn't.
I must say this photo is damning. Is that a hypodermic needle in her hand? Can you say for sure it isn’t? A needle disguised as a pen?
I mean this IS the next president of the United States for God’s sake! He must be protected from possible attacks. I mean you never can tell when someone is going to, standing jump, a barricade and try to get on the platform where our next president is standing, unaware of the fact that an attack is coming, except for a warning by “someone in the crowd”.
At this event, Lewandowsky WAS, “someone in the crowd”, protecting the next president of the United States.
Michelle Fields WAS and IS a THREAT!