Riiiiight and offshoring lowers prices? Did Nabisco, Ford and Carrier announce price reductions? No. LOL. What a rube you are. A tool.
What the heck do you think a 45% tariff on imports will do?
Are the retailers going to eat it? Of course not.
Up goes the prices on just about everything...
I thought we were free market capitalists... Since when did that become a bad thing?
Price increases have to do with the Fed’s inflationary agenda.
Mechanization has supplanted manufacturing jobs just like it did with agriculture in the 19th Century. The jobs aren’t coming back unless you want to lower living standards.
People need to learn trades and other useful skill sets, but D.C. rather dumb down education to have captive voters.
Competition lowers prices, but a business can not lower it’s prices below it’s cost. Companies are often forced to choose between moving to Mexico for cheaper labor, or paying inflated union wages and watch their market share get taken over by cheaper foreign goods. Most companies that move an operation to Mexico, only do so after they have resisted the upward pressure on their prices created by high wage demands and excessive government regulations for as long as they could.