What is Beck smoking? He has done some great stuff but every once in a while, he goes completely insane.
Glenn has the best solution for the Cuban Mistress Crisis.
Says my wife of Glenn Beck (read with thick Sofia Vergara accent): “He eez crazee...”
The prayers to ban Trump and stabbing will continue until Cruz wins!
America is finished. We have made the crossover from sanity to insanity. The entire Government system including States is so close to hell that the only thing lost is fire. And this insanity included most of the population. They have no idea what is happening because of the communists MSM and our educational system keeping them in the dark.
One tater short of a large fry.
No offense to the religious, but I truly believe if nominated, that Cruz will be savaged by his dem opponent and the media for his brand of extreme religiosity; “anointed by God,” his father, Beck etc.
He belongs to that nut job anti Christian cult known as the Mormons.
Did God give Ted and his one girlfriend the matching tattoos Glenn?
I can’t wait for Beck’s collosal explosion when the day finally comes.
Gelnn did some really good stuff early on, exposing the communists in the administration.
He has completely lost it with his anti-Trump jihad.
I hope he gets the help he clearly needs.
While campaigning for Cruz in SC, Beck said that Cruz had been sent by God to guide us thru the rapture, and that Scalia’s death was part of God’s plan to get us to vote for Cruz. So, Beck’s announcement that Cruz has been anointed by God, comes as no surprise. Beck, and by extension Cruz, sound more like two guys who should be holed-up in a compound Shaking their fists at the world for failing to see who great they are, and having a large stockpile of Kool-Aid.
IMO if Beck does not Get on some kind of psychotropic meds they are going to find him hanging in his closet one day.
Glenn Beck is no conservative. busTED sCruz is toast. Beck is saying sCruz is annointed by god and Christians need to listen to god tell them to vote for sCruz
This jerk is the best advertisement to re-institutionalize the mentally insane.
He most definitely is mad; madness has no logic, nor does it have a purpose.
Ted Cruz’s failure to disassociate himself with this loon has been a major nail in his campaign coffin. He and/or his advisors should have known better.
Oh goody. Once again the Mormon profit gives Christians theological advice
Melt. Down.
When Glen says “he believes” Cruz was picked by God, you know for certain that Beck is whacked. God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts.
Who has the good judgment to be president?
1) The one who campaigns with Beck.
2) The one who refuses to go on Beck’s show.
Are there really still people who don’t realize Beck is Krazy?