I posted before reading the article again.
What they OUGHT to do is implement a requirement for all employees to immediately call security if they don’t recognize a fellow employee, and if said unrecognized employee is offended, tough cheese.
Here is what they OUGHT to do.
1. Cancel all existing IDs today, and re-issue new IDs of a different design.
2. As each shift reports for work quarantine all workers with in the facilities and have their homes searched.
3. Search the homes of each subsequent shift as they arrive and are quarantined. Anyone who doesn’t show would be sought out and their homes searched.
4. Hard perimeters established at all nuclear facilities.
5. Stationary automatic weapons placed to protect facility perimeters.
6. Shoot to kill orders given to all security personnel for any breaches of the perimeter.
7. Placards place at visible locations along perimeters stating the STK policy in no uncertain terms along with media advertising alerting the public to the policy.
That would be day one in a sane world.