Why no, you have not.
Has anyone on FR done that? I confess I haven't read EVERY post, so I may have missed a couple.
Again, though, here's a Trump supporter potentially making crap up and acting the buffoon. Not helpful to your cause.
“Has anyone on FR done that? I confess I haven’t read EVERY post, so I may have missed a couple.”
It was in libbylu’s opus a couple of months ago when Cruz was still a viable candidate. She appeared to be zotted for a while but let back in, demonstrating admin’s greater grasp of mercy than I have. To be fair to libbylu, she has not gone in that direction since.
There was also some drone who would only post that anyone who did not support Cruz was against Jesus and against America; that was it, over and over.
I’ve not seen any Trump supporters cross those lines, though I may have missed some.
I will agree with your basic point that the rhetoric needs to be dialed back, but the knives came out some time ago, and whether they can be sheathed at this point I don’t know.