You can steal from Trump but if Ted Cruz isn't the beneficiary then I am pissed. - Rush Limbaugh
And Rush is furious with Kasich for preventing a Trump v Cruz head to head matchup. But I got news for him...he wouldn't like the results.
the reason why rush is pissed is that Cruz is the only one even close to trump in support. just about anyone that the establishment try’s to put in will destroy the party for the next 20 years or forever. I have been a republican for the last 31 years since I turned 18 and if anyone other then Cruz or trump is the nomination I am done with it. I will be independent till those as pissed off as I am can form a new political party Perhaps a TEA PARTY. those that have called themselves tea party within the republican party might want to rethink working with in the republican party 4 years from now and wait for the next election cycle. all that forming a new party at this point will do is put Hillary in.