Utah is unAmerican trash if true.
And more push polls to help the GOPe Cruz in Utah.
Doesn’t speak well for the State of Utah.
Oh goodie. It proves Cruz could be president of utah, and beat Hillary. Mormons into snake handling now?
What a damn joke this is.
By contrast, the poll finds that Cruz would beat Clinton by 60% to 32%.
Stupid is as stupid does.
They’ll vote for Hillary if she’s not in prison... for selling her country out. What charming values..../s
Romney will make sure Hillary wins. That’s it in a nutshell. Obviously he is doing his best to turn his mormon buddies away from Trump.......extremely transparent manipulation to keep the upper eschelon in place and to continue to impose parasitism on the tax-payers.
I think you can say Hillary will be grateful to Utah.
Utah hates America if this is true.
That’s those ‘core values’ at work.
In March of 1980. Jimmy Carter was 20 points ahead of Ronald Reagan and all the media was saying that Reagan had no chance as a conservative to beat the Democrat let alone get the nomination...36 years have passed and they have not needed to change thier mantra because the sheeples are too ****** ignorant to get it...well if you remain ignorant you become the victim of unintended consequences so good luck America!
Utah is a back water nothing. Means totally nothing . It will be the last delegate that cruz accumulates before the lava flow from the volcano, Mount Trump.
So Mitt Romney/Cruz supporters would rather have hilLIARy as President I guess.
Everyone knows Utah is weird.
anyone believe this? for real?
The Mormon establishment is currently consolidating behind Mitt Romney. That is all.
The very idea that Clinton or Sanders will win Utah is laughable.
And Trump beats Clinton in MI, PA, FL. So what? I’ll trade those for Utah any day.
By contrast, the poll finds that Cruz would beat Clinton by 60% to 32%. “
Then those fools can vote for Hillary!
But if the Gope and Cruz’s loony supporters think they are going to blackmail the MAJORITY because their televangelist dreamboat can’t hack it on his own, then that’s THEIR problem.
I frigging dare them to do it.