If Cruz actually thinks that the establishment will reward him with the nomination if he blocks Trump, he’s a much bigger fool than I thought he was. Even Romney in his statement acknowledges that Cruz can’t actually win the nomination, he’s just useful in blocking Trump.
If Cruz is really anti-establishment, he should stop being their tool; suspend his campaign, and endorse Trump.
The Founders were very prescient in making only NATURAL BORN CITIZENS, with US citizen parents (both), eligible for president, as the best assurance of the man's allegiance to the USA. Because these other guys are all GLOBALISTS, and NOT patriots.
I do have to admit that given Cruz’s life story and resume it is impressive that he was able to successfully sell the GOPe outsider schtick to so many people for as long as he did.
“If Cruz is really anti-establishment, he should stop being their tool; suspend his campaign, and endorse Trump.”
I said pretty much the same thing yesterday . It’s beginning to look doubtful that he will , though .
“If Cruz is really anti-establishment, he should stop being their tool; suspend his campaign, and endorse Trump.”
Cruz won’t get out. He doesn’t care about ‘conservatism’, America, God or his supporters. He only cares about money and himself.
John Kasich should do the same.
Right now.
Romney/Cruz......the bait.