So TRUMP wins all over the nation, victories chalked up in all regions, disparate regions, from South Carolina to the north in Michigan, and yet TRUMP has to put one of these LOSERS on his ticket????
I think not.
Should TRUMP break the GOPE and scatter their remains, single handedly, with a campaign no larger than four, then in four years, hand it over to one of these no name boobs??
cRuse could not be groomed if you held his head under water, and he is so serpentine you could NEVER trust him, and Kasich is too entrenched in the ways of the Establishment to ever learn new tricks.
I think TRUMP deserves to keep the Establishment buried and MUST pick an outsider that he trusts, stick him in an office, and let him shine for the future.
Who knows what exotic name he will guarantee, for the sake of God and country, to save us from the bought and paid for.
Jeff Sessions is trusted and honorable, but may be too old in four years. We just dont know.
I agree with you 100%. Someone who is familiar with the workings of Congress, from what he said. Someone who could be pres, and who shares his vision. NOT any of the other R candidates, for sure!
I think I would be physically ill, if TRUMP has to be forced to load up Cruz. Cruz destroys his ticket with the drag, in a General Election.