That’s an interesting theory. There must be a lot of Trump moles among the FR Cruznadians, because a lot of them are like that.
You were all in with the Birthers to make sure America got a square deal, right? No "street" blowoff of the 70+% white majority by Mr. Street-Smart Blackman hisseff, the Magic Negro? Or would insisting that he produce his papers have been too small-minded and easy for Barky's slugs to portray as <gasp!> raciss, so that Good Government Bush-Backers (like Mild Michael Medved, who actually got nasty about it) would all know to stay away from questioning Mr. Traitormole's credentials, right?
His mommy was a Commie,
And his folks were KGB!
That would have been so.... crass, so regressive, so .... tard .... right?