Cruz blamed the victims of a riot, blamed their responding with self defense. I’d hate to have to go to war under a commander like that.
Nope....he was talking about the Trump supporter, in St Louis, who sucker punched a protester earlier in the day and the reports of a woman reporter being "manhandled" by a Trump employee. Cruz said he believed more violence "like these episodes" would be following if Trump continued to promote "punching out" people who disagreed with him.
About the protesters in Chicago....Cruz said they were WRONG to try to interfere with Trump's freedom of speech. He NEVER said Trump was responsible for MoveOn and Black Lives Matter pulling their thug tactics.
I don't think you have to worry about going to war with Cruz. A majority of Americans don't seem to care about the "old crap" of Conservatism/Constitutional Republic/Legal (or moral laws) anymore.
Looks like we will have either an Obama like "narcissist" or Hillary.
Good luck "going to war" with that......