I saw that. Dumb protesters. Quite frankly if trump gets the nomination, he’s going to make 2014 look like child’s play. I believe at least 30 states and maybe every senate seat and even additions to the house. I almost wish Election Day was Tuesday instead of Super Tuesday 3. I will now be shocked if trump loses anything on Tuesday. I really think tomorrow trump needs to double down on the first amendment issue. If he does, he wins.
I think people saw what happened tonight and see the left for what they are..You would NEVER see me protesting Hillary Clinton at her events..she has every right to have her rally and I have every right not to like her, but I wouldn’t go protest her, I do my protest with VOTING. If people don’t like Trump FINE dont vote for him, but not allowing supporters of his to show up and watch him speak, its just what liberals do..and if not to Trump, then it would have been done to Cruz, or Rubio, or even Kasich, this is what they do and they MUST Be stopped otherwise you can say goodbye to America