Trump should not repeat the mistake. He can win without sucking up to the GOPe, and he will be more popular for not doing that.
If he picks Kasich, I will still support him, but not as enthusiastically, and I fear that many won't support him at all.
“He can win without sucking up to the GOPe,”
That would be the most satisfying outcome!
Concurring bump. Totally. The Bushmen basically did a palace coup, one job at a time. By the time it was "Bush's turn" in 1988, there wasn't a Reaganaut left in the Administration except for (perhaps) Ed Meese. The Bush people pushed them out and tried to corner Ronnie from their first day in office. Reagan's biggest day-to-day fight was to keep James Baker and the rest of the Bushbots from painting him into a corner.
Nixon didn't like Bush, either, but Bush knew a ton of people (Bonesman and all that) and was always underfoot, wanting something. Nixon eventually appointed him to run the RNC just to get rid of him. (From a tale out of school passed along by L.A. Times writer Murray Kempton, who became a lunch-buddy in Nixon's San Clemente retirement years.)