a Clinton-Warren dream team
Dream Team?
More like a Nightmare Team
Cory Booker will be Hillary’s VP
J Harding?
To put it non-elegantly, two lying old biddies does not a balanced ticket make. If Hillary! somehow survives, physically and legally, to obtain the Dem nomination, she has to pick a Marxist male of color. Julian Castro is the obvious choice for them.
It’s going to be BIDEN/WARREN!!!
It’s going to be BIDEN/WARREN!!!
I thought Fauxcahantas was "Native American".
Why not? Two liars at the head of the executive branch would be acceptable in today’s America.
I just threw up a little.
One of the Castro brothers as a running mate? Now that is a really hard choice. Raúl or Fidel? Raúl or Fidel??? Hmmmmm....
If you are going to name a "Warren" why not Earl?
Maybe Trump will pick Warren. Somebody should ask him that.
The Liar with the Muslim terrorist gang girlfriend attached 24/7— and the fake injun Sqwah. A match made in heaven - NOT! (This article must be farce, right?)
How about a one legged black dwarf lesbian who wants to be a man.
I predict the Democrat Convention will select a BIDEN/WARREN ticket.
Perfect! Because, two incompetent moonbats is always better than one.
Can I say this was predictable? I saw it coming when Hilary announced and fauxcohantas said she wasn’t running for President. At that time I thought, yeah, but I bet she will accept the VP slot.
Trump make Katrina Pierson your VP, it will be a game changer for sure.
I will take “Hillary + ANYBODY” as a sure sign of God’s unfolding wrath against us and then I shut the door on this whole politics thing. Let the dead bury their own dead!
If Trump gets it, I read it as a rebuke against the reign of the Planet of Women (and its wussified “men”) and an extension of grace and time for more to be saved. Sound leadership is a gift from God:
“First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”—1 Timothy 2:1-4
Read the Bible if you think such kings and authorities must be “true believers” in order for that prayer to work. God is the one who lifts up one and tears down another, let’s pray in faith of HIS lovingkindness and mercy to use whatever imperfect vessel to bring earthly judgment on these wicked men and women who have infiltrated our government.
Cell-mate Warren is preferable.
The Demonicrats have given the Presidential elections nothing but traitors since before I was born. There’s no reason for them to change; it’s become the essence of their soul.