“Never saw anyone who lies more with such ease as Ted Cruz.”
To sociopaths, it isn’t lying. That’s why they can do it “with such ease”.
What really got the best of me in the debate was Kelly asking Cruz why Sessions endorsed Trump and not him and didn’t that mean Sessions liked Trump’s position on illegal immigration better than his.
He looked straight at her with that little smirk, and immediately changed the subject, didn’t mention Sessions, but went on a long rant about how liberal Trump was and how he can’t be believed, and how he’s the only real conservative with principles running. Kelly listened to him rant and rave, didn’t ask him a follow-up question and of course didn’t ask him to please answer the question. It would have been a perfect time for Trump to have spoken up and said Sessions didn’t endorse Cruz because his plan is better and how Cruz begged for Sessions endorsement but didn’t get it. He missed a good opportunity to get the best of Cruz, who would never say anything bad about Sessions.
Both of Ted's parents had extreme problems with Alcohol as did his sister. Ted was arrested as a minor for alcohol related problems. In college Ted had more problems with alcohol. He recently told Anderson Cooper on CNN that he was a “scotch man” although he also extolled the virtues of whisky and other hard liquors. Ted has broken corpuscles in the end of his nose; he often has glassy eyes, and looks much older than his actual years, just look at Marco who is the same age. He has had difficulty keeping long term friends and he doesn't get along well with his colleagues.
Ted Cruz is an alcoholic. Anyone who comes from a family which has had a lot of difficulties with alcohol knows that no one lies more than an alcoholic. I don't know if that makes him a “sociopath”, but in my opinion it does disqualify him from holding the office of president.