So you’re saying Sessions is giving up principle. Doesn’t say much for your opinion of Sessions’ character. If you actually read what Sessnions says about Trump, or listen when he talks about Trump, you’d see you are completely wrong.
This is one thing I’ve found about Trump haters/Cruz supporters, they either have no idea what Trump really stands for, or they think for some weird reason that everything he says is a lie, and that everything St. Cruz says is true, even though proven to be lies and dirty tricks.
I have thought for years that we need business people to run the country and finally we have one and the establishment are scared so bad they are willing to scuttle the whole election....Why you might ask? Well, in my humble opinion it’s because the establishment is so used to sucking off the $$$$ of the special interests and here is a guy who won’t play the special interest game. If he gets elected, he might upset all their ways of playing this game and they are fearful of having all their power and influence disrupted.
Not sure Trump knows where Trump stands .
Sessions has vouched for Cruz during the gang of eight bill.
Maybe sessions thinks Trump will bring an additional voice to the fight.
Only Cruz has really fought this in real life , in the legislative process.
My real concern about Trump is that he will be too flexible and make bad deals with Reid and Pelosi.
Trashing Cruz will not help that process.