Watching CNN....Van Jones still talking about KKK
The Trump guy got close to the truth on Super Tuesday and Commie van is still spinning furiously.
FOX just had that Trump hater - sorry forgot his name, he looks like he was drinking too much - on O’Reilly, and the guy started criticizing Trump about his retort to Rubio and the “size of hands” thing. It was the best line of the debate from Trump, but the Trump hater acted like “how dare he say that with someone’s little daughter watching, who then will ask, .... questions (or something)”...
First off, whose 8 year old daughter would be watching this debate? She would be on the internet with her friends on Facebook (or something... God forbid)...
This is an absurd comment.
Back during the Chicago riots at the Democratic Convention in 1968, William F. Buckley was taking the side of the police in the matter - I only mention WFB here in that this Trump hater brought up WFB in this as if “can you imagine WFB saying such a ‘shocking’ thing” (or something) ... and what an idiot, back in 68 Buckley said this to Gore Vidal when Vidal called him a Nazi for supporting the police, and it was all over the press and in Esquire Magazine in 69:
WFB: “Now listen, you queer. Stop calling me a pro crypto Nazi or I’ll sock you in the goddamn face and you’ll stay plastered . . .”
WFB. I guess we should all hid our daughters from WFB.