Trump called Cruz a Pussy.
Trump called Cruz “the worst liar he has ever met.”
Trump has “met” Bill and Hillary Clinton. But Cruz is worse than any democrat Trump has met or sent thousands of dollars to.
That is the pure hatred coming from Trump and his supporters.
Cruz is not a DC insider. That is why McConnell and Reid despise Cruz.
That is why Cruz had to beat Dewhurst here in Texas to becoming a Senator.
Bush came out as the only person Bush dislikes. Cruz was not a Bush insider.
Trump’s campaign is funded by a billionaire named Donald Trump.
Cruz took loans from Goldman sachs because he is not a wealthy liberal plutocrat like Trump
I know only wealth billionaires are allowed to run this country but I am still delighted to defend a solid conservative for President Ted Cruz.
Come and Take it!
“I know only wealth billionaires are allowed to run this country but I am still delighted to defend a solid conservative for President Ted Cruz.”
Not even the name is real.