You know, it’s not like us conservatives didn’t tell Washington we’ve had a belly-full of their crap. You abandoned us at your own peril, and a lot of us are going to work very hard to see you lose your jobs. You’ve had control of the House and Senate and you STILL can’t get squat done. McConnell: you’re a bad joke and people are more than a little fed up with your ineffectual leadership. Quit while you’re ahead...
EVERY Repub in Senate/House needs to be voted out.
I was leader of a project once and one person did not cooperate and do what he was supposed to, causing the entire project to fail to meet its objectives.
In my performance review my boss listed that project as a failure on my list of my objectives for that year.
I protested, and then he told me, "Well, maybe somebody ELSE COULD have made it happen." Maybe somebody else would have had a different set of skills and resolved the problem that caused the project to fail. My boss was exactly right.
Same with Cruz, Rubio and all the Senate. They have FAILED. There aren't good guys and bad guys, just one big team failure. They all must go and maybe we can put together the right people next time who WILL succeed.