The writer seems to think Trump's supporters are being "duped", the word I think he used. At least that's a lot better than being called "zombies" or "poorly educated", as some critics have described Trump supporters.
Surely these critics don't intend to include my wife and I in those descriptions. We both have college degrees. As ex-Air Force officers, we are patriotic veterans. We've had successful business careers and raised a family and retired to raise Angus beef cattle. We're debt free and live comfortably. The point being, we've done something right in our lives. We're responsible people who have made our share of right decisions. But we are not dupes. We're not zombies, whatever they are. And we're not poorly-educated. Trump doesn't have us under his celebrity spell. Neither one of us ever watched his reality TV show anyway. We are not stary-eyed and oblivions about who we voted for in early mail-in balloting. We voted for Trump with our eyes and ears wide-open, knowing all of his warts and foibles and hidden skeletons.
But some people forget what our options really are. Critics complain about how bad it's going to be if Trump is elected and what they have to do to stop him. They forget to look at this election through my eyes. My choices in the primary were for a successful, outsider businessman who exudes leadership and winning. Two junior senators, who both sound good speaking and on paper but notoriously make bad presidents because they are not experienced management and executive decision makers. Their biggest negatives are that they are part of the Washington political class. One really nice, quiet ex-brain surgeon who lost this race when Paris got attacked and folks realized he didn't know squat about foreign policy. And finally a sitting governor and establishment politician, who blows his own horn, but can't scrap enough votes together in the primaries to win. It kind of makes it easy to pick Trump from this list.
And then there's the factor of who can win in November against what looks like will be Hillary on the democRAT side. Sanders will drop out or fail against the experienced Clinton machine. This country is in dire straits but we're not ready to elect a loser-most-of-his-adult-life Marxist in Bernie. Wait a minute. I take that back. We've got Barack Obama right now. I see Trump as the only one who can go up against the liberal crap Hillary and her hanger-oner husband BJ, will be slinging and still leave some marks. People think he's going to be nice against Hillary? No way. She won't know what hit her after he's done with his attacks.
The decision for us to vote for Trump was really quite easy. Who can win both the primary and general handily? Trump. I don't have confidence in electing the same old, same old political candidates, and then expecting any different result. We're tired of backing GOP losers.
We may be mistaken by what we think Trump will do as president, but we're not fooled. We have not been duped into thinking he is one thing versus another. We know exactly who he is. A winner.
Of course you Trump bots have been duped, and that you can’t see it proves it.