Also the Land and Water Conservation Fund(1965) which comes from federal offshore drilling royalties.
Pittman Roberson Act (Federal Aid to Wildlife) in the 1930s. This is an federal excise tax on hunting equipment and supplies that is partially spent by the feds and some of it is granted to the states.
Dingall Johnson Act(Federal Aid to Fisheries) in the 1950s
There is also an federal excise tax on pleasure boat fuel.
With the Natl Wildlife Refuges and special wetland management districts there are over 150 million acres plus over 400 million acres in marine national monuments created by George Bush and enlarged by Obama.
These benefit others beside hunters and fishers. Campers, hikers and birdwatchers. The National Refuges in south Texas are the mecca for birdwatchers from all over the US and Europe, and many of them complain about the border fence.
You shouldn't think of these refuges as stand alone because they often exist in conjunction with other public lands. The Cossatot River in SW AR is surrounded by a national forest, a state park, two wildlife refuges, FWS land and Corp of Engineers property, and all of this is surrounded by Weyerhauser Timberlands(privately owned) that has a public use policy that is consistent with the govt owned lands. Weyerhauser is constantly swapping land with the feds and state where they trade away acres and get back board feet of timber.