“He (trump) has advocated lowering state lines so insurance companies can compete nation-wide for our insurance dollars, and provide better care to attract our business.”
That means a federalized system of insurance. One of the reasons policies are different in different states is that each state can require a different set of coverage. Only one way around that is establishing a federal standard.
Second issue. Sure, insurance is cheaper in some states but you only live in one state. Insurance in Alabama will be cheaper than insurance in New York. Do you want to drive across country for treatment?
I have auto insurance and home owners insurance with USAA. If I wished, I could also have health insurance. USAA is now and always has been in Texas. They have covered my vehicles and homes in Europe, North Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, California and Nevada. In addition, the vehicles are covered in any state I might be in.
I do not have to go to Texas to live, to drive or to get sick. They write my policies to state specifications, not federal and my preferences.