The Democrats are waiting.....
You bet they are. They have 2 documentaries ready. On where Trump stalks a British reporter (the equivalent of our Barbra Walters) so much she has to get a restraining order. The other an attempted land grab for a golf course in Ireland (?) where he calls the really nice people living there "pigs" after they decide not to sell.
There's also Trump saying "Blacks are lazy."(I think I read that around 2012 or so?) They're definitely going to use that one! TSHTF after that.
And those are just the little things....There's still all the corrupt business deals.
Trump even tried to cash in on the government small business fund to help rebuild after 9/11! He wanted some of that loot!
Trump has shot his mouth off for years. All those words are going to come back and bite him right in the a$$, and if he's the candidate, he'll take the entire conservative base into the pits of hell with him - because he'll suposedly be representing us!