What is not obvious to me is why Cruz supporters are so much more adversarial and venomous toward Trump & his supporters than visa versa. I mean, I support Trump but I think of Cruz if anything as being more in tune with Biblical Christianity than Trump. Trump can come across as pugnacious.
And yet it is the supporters of Cruz who seem to be so full of vitriol towards Trumpeters and Trumpettes. Another thing that is curious to me is Cruz himself. I never thought of him as being slimy, but the stuff his campaign has pulled has been slimy and deceptive. Maybe Cruz is not the goody two-shoes he portrays.
I don’t know, maybe it’s career politicians in general. Maybe they can’t help but become corrupt I don’t know. You know I’ve always been against term limits because it takes free choice out of the hands of the people. But maybe terms limits, which would basically at least reduce the number of career politicians, would do more good than harm.