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Sadly you are correct.
Several talk radio hosts are going to be sad they ever shilled for him/Cruz in the long run. Especially Levin and Beck.We expect more from our major league hosts.They should always be fair, balanced, and objective. When they are not they need to be kicked in the butt until they come around again.

32 posted on 02/21/2016 6:01:59 AM PST by rodguy911 (Sarah Palin our secret weapon --Home of the free because of the brave.)
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To: rodguy911

Oh, I don’t mind Levin and Limbaugh supporting Cruz.

When you look at it, Cruz IS the most conservative from a ideological point of view. And he has a deep, evangelical streak to him, like Santorum or Huckabee.

But I, like many people, think we need more than a gracious old-school conservative because we ARE in a fight for our very lives with the Left.

We need to take winning seriously. Over the past few years, we’ve had numerous discussions on Free Republic on the folly of voting for “The lesser of two evils.”

And when we apply this to those GOP candidates over the years, it IS apparent we were being screwed over, since Reagan.

Both Bushes, Dole, McCain and Romney were expert politicians but not really conservative.

Now how would one describe conservatism? Is it a belief in an evangelical Jesus? Should we re-impose blue laws all around the country?

Is it hyper-support for our police by doubling down on the drug wars? And believe me, most of modern policing is the anti-drugs aspect, that is, the most money and effort are focused against this branch of criminality.

Does a conservative oppose gay marriage as the single biggest issue? Can we really put the genie back in the bottle? I don’t want to see us give up on the ideal of Holy Matrimony, but we signed a deal with the devil when we gave marriage powers over the state in order to get tax benefits. As Jesus says, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s; and to God, what is God’s”. We gave marriage to Caesar some time ago.

Abortion. Yes, in my heart, killing a baby is wrong. It is NOT an issue of women’s rights. The Left and the press have beaten up conservatives over this, and we need to fight back, vigorously and strongly. Of all the issues on the conservative plate, this is one I am most concerned with. And it’s not just because I’m Catholic. I actually wish all these women getting abortions (and the men who impregnated them) would have used birth control instead. Oops should NEVER be a reason to kill a baby.

What makes Trump different is he is not a politician. And the list of issues he exposes that so many people AGREE on, but not enough politicians, even conservative ones support:

No illegal aliens. Just wrong. Hurting blue collar workers especially.

Trade agreements that hurt us. Think China. Also, regressive laws that benefit companies who move overseas. The highest corporate tax rate in the Western world.

The idea that Islam is the “Religion of Peace”. It wasn’t Obama who said that first. It was a “compassionate conservative”. AND just plain wrong. Someone needs to tell the truth about Islam and it’s goals over us. They want us to convert, be subjugated or to die. There is no peaceful coexistence between us and those who truly follow the will of Muhammad. The only ones we can coexist with are the ones who IGNORE much of what Muhammad told them to do!

Those three are VERY important to pulling our @#$$@ out of the raging fire currently burning.

Trump has also said he is opposed to abortion and gun control, another huge issue. Also, he will dismantle Obamacare, one of the biggest political mistakes of our times.

You can argue Trump is “just saying this” because he was for it before he was against it—which is debatable—but if you dig deep enough, there are no politicians in this race who have told us the plain truth anyways.

52 posted on 02/21/2016 6:33:01 AM PST by Alas Babylon! (As we say in the Air Force, "You know you're over the target when you start getting flak!")
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To: rodguy911

Several talk radio hosts are going to be sad they ever shilled for him/Cruz in the long run. Especially Levin and Beck.

Also the pundits like Jonah Goldberg will need to get ready for a delicious meal of Crow....

170 posted on 02/21/2016 8:47:00 AM PST by patriotspride
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