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Still disagree. For many people there is no “old system”. It’s gone. You think employers that gleefully dumped their employees onto the obamacare exchange are going to pick up the health insurance tab again? No chance. Same goes for the preexisting condition buffet. Those folks are getting “insurance” for treatment. You can’t “high risk pool” that. It’s welfare, basically.

218 posted on 02/21/2016 9:38:05 AM PST by lodi90 (Clear choice for Conservatives now: TRUMP or lose)
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To: lodi90
For many people there is no old system. It's gone.

Well, it's alive and well in some socialist countries, like Italy and Canada, they just call it "supplemental insurance". The Canadian Supreme Court ruled "CanadaCare" unConstitutional over a decade ago, as the well-known waiting for treatment was costing lives. The court considered it a human rights violation.

You think employers that gleefully dumped their employees onto the obamacare exchange are going to pick up the health insurance tab again?

They will if the same tax-treatment rules apply as before, and if premiums go back to as low, or lower than they were.

Same goes for the preexisting condition buffet. Those folks are getting "insurance" for treatment.

Since you may not know, that number is about 1% of the insured. You have to be pretty bleeping sick to be considered uninsurable....a guaranteed $100,000 or so per-year claimant.

You can't "high risk pool" that.

Well, in this case it would require a "reinsurance pool" as a temporary fix until the HRPs would take over.

It's welfare, basically.

Well, it is if the government funds the HRP, that's not desirable as the RATs can also de-fund it. If the carriers fund it (and it's in their own best interest to do so) it's called a High Risk Pool. The government merely sets it up.

Americans liked their system and want it back.

233 posted on 02/21/2016 10:52:49 AM PST by ROCKLOBSTER (Celebrate "Republicans Freed the Slaves Month")
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