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To: kabar

I’m so tired of these idiots confusing legal immigration with ILLEGAL immigration!

Actually, they’re not confused. They know just what they’re doing. America is made up of immigrants, so calling someone “Anti-immigration” is just as bad as calling them haters of mom and Apple Pie. They KNOW this.

They just want to confuse OTHERS with this word charade.

EVERYTIME they say so and so is anti-immigration, EVERYONE needs to immediately jump in a say, “No Anti-ILLEGAL-immigration. There’s a HUGE difference!”

217 posted on 02/21/2016 9:38:02 AM PST by Alas Babylon! (As we say in the Air Force, "You know you're over the target when you start getting flak!")
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To: Alas Babylon!
True, but unless we substantially reduce legal immigration, the Dems will be the permanent majority party. Why are we taking in 1.1 million legal permanent immigrants a year along with 640,000 guest workers annually while we have the lowest labor participation rates in 38 years. And legal immigrants vote more than two to one Democrat.

They know just what they’re doing. America is made up of immigrants,

No we are not made up of immigrants. 85% of us were born here. And exactly what does it mean when we say we are a nation of immigrants? Almost every nation on earth is made up of immigrants. Even the American Indian is an "immigrant" because they came across the Siberian land bridge to North America.

It infuriates me to hear people say we are a nation of immigrants, which is just a way of saying immigrants are an unalloyed good and the more the better. Since 1990 35 million LEGAL PERMANENT IMMIGRANTS have entered this country or the equivalent of the population of Canada. Immigrants use our welfare system to a much greater degree than the native born. We are importing poverty. They are bankrupting this country. And they are making the Dems the permanent majority party.

229 posted on 02/21/2016 10:01:11 AM PST by kabar
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