Exactly as people who listenede to the CNN Town Hall, or read the Transcript understood what Trump was talking about.
What happened is a bunch of “Conservative” media led by the habitual liars at Red State took 1 word out of the 1st sentence and then shopped the lie around to all the other websites and news groups.
I just heard Weekly Standard “rporter” steve hayes repeat the lie to Hanniy on Fox. Hayes tried to argue with Hannity when Hannity corrected him.
There apparently is the “conservative” equivalent of the Leftist 2008 “Joou-0-list” coordinating a smear campaign against Trump. As Trumps tweet shows, it appears he has a pretty good rapid reponse team engaged to beat the lie merchants.
Publication like Red State, Town Hall, Steve Hayes NR etc better get a grip. Candidates come and go, a reputation as liars follows authors, and publications, around for the rest of their careers.
” took 1 word out of the 1st sentence and then shopped the lie around”
The preferred tactic by third place candidate too. His spokespeople do the same thing.
I’ve lost so much respect for so many of the journalists who have shown themselves to be out and out liars and frauds. I can appreciate someone holding a different view, opinion, preference. What I won’t soon forget are those who hold so much venom and have revealed their true colors without a hint of concern for their reputations.
The very last straw for me was hearing Rush claim that Rubio is a true conservative and akin to Reagen. I lost it!
It’s been eye opening to witness how easily they all out and out lie. Our nation suffers greatly at the hands of those entrusted to REPORT news.