All that crap you list would have never gotten as bad as it has become if industry didn't have the option to move offshore.
Am I to understand your solution would be to legally bar American industry from manufacturing anywhere else in the world for re-import to the American market? Wouldn't it follow that no imported goods at all should be allowed, by edict, in addition?
Contrary to your premise, one of the few things preventing further punitive regulations and industrial exodus is the fact that corporations now have this right. The decision to move is usually move or die, and the jobs would be reduced, if not lost altogether, anyway, unless imported goods were also banned.
The consumer is always ignored, forgotten completely in these discussions. Walmart has done more good for the country's poor than all the liberal anti-poverty programs combined. Walmart would have to go, with your plan, no?
Offshoring doesn't lower prices it increases profit margins.
Someone gets it, I see.
Import tariffs raise the cost of bringing goods manufactured elsewhere into the country.
If a company wants to leave, so be it. Let them deal with the added tariff costs that drive the price here up, preferably above the cost of making the same product here. If a company wants to pay the tariffs, then fine, let them go and let them take the "I got mine, eff you and your country" advocates with them.
Let companies like Apple pay the cost of toxic waste and evil CO2 from coal fired electricity generating plants in China just like they'd be beat to death here in the US over the same things and such companies will be fighting such regulations and absurd added costs here instead of advocating those things then moving elsewhere to avoid the consequences of their own actions.
No one honest can pretend that my advocating such tariffs is the same as what you say is my solution, especially since the US had such tariffs in place throughout most of our history and therefore there's a clear record of what such tariffs entail.
have a lovely day