Rush really pulled out all the stops today in trying to upend Trump. Tomorrow night, we will see just how much influence El Rushbo still has.
Why do you limit it to today? ALL this week Rush has been milking that WMD thing by Trump for all it is worth. ALL the feakin’ week. Numerous times a day. Trying is best to harm Trump, and all the while claiming to be a disinterested analyzer.
Well, he certainly lost me as a listener today. Screw him and the horse he rode in on.
By the way, did you hear the caller, a snide, snotty, POS, probably taking down, 25,000 a year and said that Cruz could harm Trump by calling him a “loser”? One of the characteristics that to him made Trump a loser was his divorces. Limbaugh probably has had more divorces than Trump.
rush laid only kid gloves on Trump, and mostly on the Obama Care mandate.
I guess Free Republic now is obama care mandate loving central.