I'm all for them. Just don't make me pay the Iowa farmers if I don't want to, nor pay for my neighbors solar collectors with higher electrical prices made so by mandates.
I'm an all of the above guy, but in the all I want something that is economically justifiable, something that the market supports, something that works fully.
I just don't see ethanol being in that category.
That’s exactly the point Ted Cruz made on CNN.
The U.S. should explore all energy alternatives, including ethanol.
But none should be subsidized by the government.
All these people here posting about how they like or don’t like ethanol seem to have forgotten the main point.
Put simply, if something makes economic sense you don’t have to force it on people by mandate. They’ll do all by themselves. Unfortunately Trump tends to like forcing people to do things. He’s for expanding the ethanol mandate. He likes the health care mandate. He also was for higher taxes on the wealthy to force them to “invest” in what he thinks is best.