Former governor, went into private sector for a bit. good family, Ohio seems to like him. to be honest i didnt really know much about Kasich other than watching him on Fox and this election. He seems sorta soft, no military experience, but i think he has the acumen for high office and wont embarass us. Im not much for student council types on steroids, but he did make it to the top in his state becoming governor. Boring dude, but theres not much you can do about that like talking louder and jerking around in town meetings. People are sick of electing people to Congress and they do nothing or whine they cant do nothing.
Fair enough, and I understand the desire to be rid of chrome and sirens and just get something sufficient for the task at hand. Zero drama would be kind of refreshing. My favorite presidents are the ones we forget, because things just rocked along and they left us alone.