That is TrumpSpeak for "I couldn't charm this guy with my overwhelmingness, and he did not kiss my feet."
And he doesn't think Bill and Hillary are not honest? Oh, that's right, they kiss his feet.
Ted wouldn’t chip in with Trump to help Reid’s and Pelosi’s campaigns either, the b*stard! lol
Trump is like a child. Anyone he dislike at the moment is the “worst ever” at everything. And everything he happens to like at the moment is “wonderful” and “great”. And his criteria for liking someone is often if they think highly of him. Putin, for example, is “great” because he complimented Trump.
This is why I’m a little suspicious of Trump’s “make America Great again!” slogan. Because I suspect Trump definition of America being Great can be as simple as “America where everyone loves Trump.” Because I’m pretty sure if Trump visited Cuba and they gave a great welcome ceremony and acted like they think he’s great he’d come back to US and tell us how “wonderful” and “great” Cuba is.