So, I suppose this means that you’re against birth control too? This must mean that you’re against social services for welfare mother’s and families? Donald Trump didn’t defend abortion. Why is it that Trump haters insist on trying to circumvent and change what he really says. Trump’s idea is to change Planned Parenthood to an organization that lives up to it’s name instead of just wiping out the whole structure. Even Trump’s straightforward plain speech is just too hard to understand for those whose perceptions are intractable.
If you think Cruz is going to wave his wand and abolish Planned Parenthood, abortion, gay marriage and the like, then you are delusional and “Cruzin’ for a bruisin’.” I hate to see anyone put their hopes and trust into something that will never be. I’ve been there, done that.
Of course not. I just don't trust groups like PP who sell baby parts to provide these services and definitely don't support federal funds going to a group which has no moral compass whatsoever.