I think Obama wants to get out of town and climb on the gravy train. There are people who think Obama wants to remain President or go to the Supreme Court. I think the opposite.
The only President in my lifetime that appeared that he wanted to stay was Clinton. The rest of them looked they they could not wait to disappear.
I could see them nominating Hillary, and bringing Biden out of the barn.
Agreed - now that he has seen the Clinton Cash Machine, he and Moosh want to get on that train.
Rarely do I agree with anyone twice in one day, but I concur. He has fondest memories of Hawaii and has notably been proven to be fond of creature comforts (golf, vacations, good food, warmer climates).
Obama is too much of a narcissist to not believe that we "deserve" his rule. I don't think someone with his disposition will go quietly into the night.