I do not trust any government report because the federal government is unworthy of any trust.
There is no bottom limit to the depravity and immorality of the Obama administration.
Especially in matters concerning a potential power shift of this magnitude.
There is nothing Obama will not do to make good his promise to transform America.
Liberals kill 1.4 million helpless babies every year.
A public figure standing in their way wouldn’t be a mild bump to them.
[There is no bottom limit to the depravity and immorality of the Obama administration.]
Time for Nachum’s list to be updated. Just another convenient death, you know, like Alex Okrent, Loretta Fuddy, Andrew Breitbart, Andrew Breitbart’s coroner (assistant?), Donald Young, Quarles Harris, Michael Hastings, to name just a few. /tinfoil
I don’t trust much of anything these days, either.