Remember, a third of the Senate is up this year. The Republicans have a 54-46 majority; turning just 5 seats would give it back to the Democrats.
So I think several of the RINOs might find it in their political self-interest to stand tough, just this once, to preserve their seats and those of their GOP colleagues.
But it's obvious that it's in RINOs political interest to be RINOs, otherwise, why would they be there?
Take my very own Kelly Ayotte, as example #1.
She would, as a general matter (I think) not want an America destroyer on the Court.
She is terrified of being portrayed as anti-gay, anti-Muslim, anti-black, anti-brown, anti-cripple, anti-addict, anti-woman (my fingers are getting tired).
So, you can bet your bottom dollar she will vote "aye" on any nominee who fits the above profile, or any other oppressed category I haven't thought of.
And that's because her margin of victory, in the unlikely event she beats Maggie Hassan this Fall, will be older women who attend an Episcopal, Congregational, or Unitarian church and want a Senator who is "nice".