Donald Trump believes he is above the fray and absolved from everything because:
“I’m rich!”
How do you know what Trump believes? Do you personally hang out with him or know him? No, you don’t - no more than you know the real Ted Cruz. Aha! there it is - the word “rich.” That’s what is really bothering you isn’t it? Jealousy, envy and covetousness. And, you think you are so pure? I think not!
Does a Mormon, which Beck is, open up the Bible? If he has, he would know that it is his calling to lead Trump to Jesus. Saying that Trump’s hold on the Bible is “bullcrap” is just an assumption on what should be his private relationship with Jesus. It is also a poor reflection on himself to indulge in judgmentalism, which should be rejected by all Christians. It is definitely not going to lead Trump to Jesus. Questioning Trump’s relationship to Jesus is not Beck’s business. When Trump comes before the Judgement Seat, it will be God’s business. “All have sinned” and it is not Beck’s place to judge. It is a matter between Trump and Jesus. Encouragement to strengthen that relationship would be the biblical course Beck should take. Otherwise, it is using religion to get a political advantage. To those on the outside, that looks pretty pathetic.