Posted on 02/10/2016 2:17:21 PM PST by TBBT
I won’t support Trump.
His lies are such that I wouldn’t cross the road tonpusd on him if he was on fire.
I am not in the prediction business. But if a constant conservative can’t beat a socialist or a lying pretend democrat who’s also socialist, then neither can Trump.
Trump is as “progressive” as the to dims anyway. Is THAT what you want?
Rush and Cruz are globalists in constitutionalists clothing.
So you’re willing to compromise in order to just get another progressive?
How on earth does that help?
I’ll let you listen for me. I have better things to do with my time.
Trump isn't a Conservative. He is considerably to the left of Mitt Romney. On Kelo, he is to the left of Bernie Sanders. Trump is the only Republican in the race who calls for higher taxes and government-paid health care.
Just the other day Rush was advocating for it’s Cruz. Before all that it was Trump. I think Rush is a bit confused.
Rush has not endorsed anyone. You know better.
He is trying to explain their position in the media.
It takes an IQ better than 120 to understand.
Let me break down what Rush said today to end his program. He said liberalism had caused all the problems in Washington, DC and only conservatism can solve it. Well Rush the problem is I don’t know any conservatives anymore, and that includes Ted Cruz, who has flipped back and forth on amnesty and takes big time bucks from anyone that’ll give him money, to include homosexual activists all over NY City. All these so-called conservatives are the slime-balls that signed the decree against Trump from the National Review. All these so-called conservatives have given Obama a blank check in destroying the country.
Conservatism is dead in American politics. So called conservatives merged with the establishment years ago and have effectively merged with liberal democrats. You are either someone who keeps your word or you’re not. The conservative label is a thing of the past and that includes Rush Limbaugh, who pimped for Romney four years ago and now pimps for open borders Rubio.
Trump sees politicians not from a conservative or liberal slant. He sees a bunch of crooks. He sees politicians with their hand held out trying to get rich as long as the gig lasts.
Either elect Donald Trump or the exact thing will continue in Washington DC. Nothing will ever get done because there’s not a nickles worth of difference in the parties anymore.
I guess I have seen dumber posts on FR. But not more illiterate tags.
FReepers, these Trumpodytes are HERE! For Gawd’s sake, doesn’t conservatism mean ANYTHING???
Just a shame you are a paid shill.
Hopefully , when Cruz wins the nomination to represent the republic, you will do your patriotic duty and vote for him in the general election !
You might experience the taste of political acid reflux as we who are socially conservative have had to endure since Reagan left office in January of 1989!!
The only medication for RINO reflux has been Rush Limbaugh and conservative talk radio! My nose has a rash on it due to squeezing so hard while voting for bushdolebush2mccainromney!!
What will be the medication that RINOs take when they have to vote for a real conservative ? Maybe they can follow trump around the country and listen to him lift himself up as the only one who can beat Hillary! Or better yet, listen to that cutting edge exciting NPR for all your political relief!
On what planet is that?
It’s too bad that Cruz didn’t make his millions stealing quarters from little old ladies at casinos.
If Losing Is Your Only Priority, There Is No Choice Other Than Ted Cruz
I don't know if you need an IQ of 120 or better to understand it, all you really need to do is read the entire dialog and it becomes obvious that what you are saying is completely true. Most of the people on this forum read only the parts they think are helpful to their preferred candidate. He gave us his impression of what is currently going on. Rush has not endorsed anyone.
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