Well, not mine either. In point of fact, I’m preparing my sermon for this Sunday tonight.
Of course, that leaves the question. If you’re so up in arms about Trump calling Cruz a nasty name... why are you saying so much worse than Trump did to all of us?
Try looking back over the past few months at the escalating mockery and vitriol directed at all the other candidates. Not just towards one. What should have been an ideological debate the past several months has descended into daily personal digs from Trump towards anyone against him, these being parroted by his devotees. Not merely substantive policy disputes, they follow an Alinsky line. Anyone not behind Trump is termed a virtual enemy of the state. Too many who have not been Trumpites have been savaged to the point they are considering either sitting out the election, should he get the nod or going third party or worse. Trumpites are burning bridges and poisoning the well with regards to those who should be ‘brothers in arms’.