“Yeah...Cruz is a...whatever.”
American and perhaps the only conservative in the race. If that makes any difference to you.
Canadian, you mean. NOT a natural born citizen. And a WIMP to boot.
Needs more.
Any murdering-moslem/commie-mommy filth can come to the US and spit a kid, take him back to Turdwirldistan and raise him up to be a terrorist. But...HE'S AN AMERICAN.
perhaps the only conservative in the race. If that makes any difference to you.
Yeah, it does. He's a Constitutionalist, he'd make a great AG, or Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Unfortunately he's suffering from memory loss:
He forgot about his $500K from Goldman Sachs, he forgot that he did have health insurance, and then he forgot about his second $500K loan from Citibank. Oh yeah, he forgot about his involvement with a Jamaican private equity firm and a British Virgin Islands holding company. (you gotta report this stuff to the ethics committee doncha know)
Yeah, and look at me, I almost forgot that HE forgot, he was a Cubanadian, and he also forgot that, as a Constitutionalist, that means he's not eligible to run for President.