If Kasich and Bush do as well as I think they do this gets interesting.
My dream scenario is the “reverse Romney” scenario.
The Amnesty Rinos, Kasich, Rubio, Christie, Bush do well enough in the race to divide up the Anti Trump vote. You know the way Santorum, Gingrich, Cain, Paul did last time.
The Rinos get a taste of their medicine while the Tea Party Evangelicals, Reagan Dems, Anti Amnesty, candidates do well.
That get out the vote machine of the Bushâs must be why the Jeb! events in NH are so well attended, right?
You know the old saying it applies here.
“its not what you know but who you know.” Jeb knows John Sununu, gets him votes, he is NH Haley Barbour a Boss Hogg character with an Arab Checkbook.
Doesn’t make sense I agree since Jeb has no crowds.
Jeb had to ask for Applause. But look at the Drudge report now Jeb they say is Second. I don’t know I think he has a tight race with Kasich who is very good with people one on one.
I predict a record turnout, weather permitting.
Trump has made this an exciting race, whether you like him or not.