Bingo! Cruz’s downward spiral towards oblivion starts this week. Preaching to the conservative radio talk show crowd will not win you a plurality. The guy is just not likeable or electable in the general. Reagan WAS likeable, did not come across as strident, angry and preachy like Cruz does. Amazing to me that so many Conservatives who rail against the lawyer hegemony in Washington are so willing to elect a lawyer who has never had a job besides lawyering. I guess if you parrot bullet points of the Conservative agenda that gives you street cred with the purists.
Moreover, look at his positions: will not deport all illegals, will continue to support trade deals that ship jobs overseas and his tax plan has a hidden VAT tax for businesses that will cloak rising prices for consumers. And look at Cruz’s benefactors: Mercer controls Cruz’s main PAC and he is a hedge fund manager that owes the government 6 billion dollars.