Goodnight! A great evening! On to SC!
Donald Trump 54,330 votes (—) 34.5%
John Kasich 25,761 votes (-28,569) 16.3%
Ted Cruz 18,269 votes (-36,061) 11.6%
Jeb Bush 17,641 votes (-36,689) 11.2%
Marco Rubio 16,976 votes (-37,354) 10.8%
Chris Christie 11,959 votes (-42,371) 7.6%
Carly Fiorina 6,672 votes (-47,658) 4.2%
Ben Carson 3,651 votes (-50,679) 2.3%
Other 2,255 votes (-52,075) 1.4%
Jim Gilmore 87 votes (-54,243) 0.1%
56.0% Precincts Reporting
157,558 Votes
Goodnight, dear exit!
Thanks much for all of the recaps, tonight.
On to SC!!