What I noticed this time was that once Carson realized he missed his cue, he started walking out there but then they announced Ted Cruz so Carson immediately stopped and retreated back to the wings as Cruz blasted right past him. Then you have a stagehand in the background, trying to signal to Carson to get out there. Then they announce Trump who obviously realizes what is going on. Yes, Trump is well aware his name was called but he's not just going to walk on past Carson and leave him awkwardly standing there alone. So he stood next to Carson in the wings as both Rubio and Jebbie go right on by. Both Rubio and Jebbie patted Trump on the arm as they passed so they both knew they were there. Jebbie actually gives sort of a contemptuous facial expression as he passes them.
When the moderators realized Carson and Trump were not on stage, they invited both of them to come on up, but Trump allowed Carson to go before him and get his applause. Then Trump came up to the stage.
Kasich was entirely forgotten about by the way until it became evident to all there was an empty podium. It was definitely amateur hour and only Trump had an unscripted and natural reaction to it.
> It was definitely amateur hour
And that was the best ABC could do for a Presidential Debate. The producer of that mess should find other employment in field they can be competent in - say children programming.
Somehow your description brings to mind the story of the Good Samaritan. The priest and the rabbi passed him by, the Samaritan stayed by the guy lying there. Trump is the Good Samaritan!
I watched the entire introduction again just now...
Where did you find it?
YUGE FAIL by ABC. And character-illuminating re Trump, Cruz, and Jeb.