No, that wasn't "all they did".
They took the CNN report and ALTERED IT, and then used it to gain an advantage for Cruz in the caucus.
In other words, THEY LIED.
See post #161
Carson is not fit for office , he is a whiney petulant “insert word here”
If you play a game of telephone, and people start adding their interpretation to the message going around, but each person believes, whole-heartedly, that their interpretive addition is true, you can get an erroneous message, without a single person saying something they believe to be false. If you know anything about large organizations, you know this happens all the time. People don’t mean to convey false information, but they can’t help interpreting it. Once that gets into the flow, it’s hard to stop.
For my part, as a Christian, I have always tried to live by the principle stated in 1 Cor 13, that love thinks no evil. In other words, we give the other party the benefit of the doubt to the extent it is possible to do so. If Ted calls this a mistake, and owns up to the organizational error that led to it, that’s good enough for me. To the best of my knowledge, there is simply no smoking gun to show that any person in the communication chain believed they were stating a falsehood at any time.
For example, we have that smoking gun with Hillary and the Benghazi emails, a direct contradiction by the same person at the same time to two different parties. That would hold up as legal proof of an intentional lie.
But at most with the Cruz organization you have people looking at Carson’s unusual moves as his organization implodes and interpreting it in a reasonable way, and then not paying attention to other inputs that could have corrected it, and altogether no evidence, AFAIK, that Carson was in fact impacted by the error. None of that rises to the level of anything more than a typical organizational communication error, happening at high speed, where those things are most likely to occur.