No, the Cruz campaign intimated that Carson was dropping out and to urge his supporters to ditch Carson and vote for Cruz. If you are okay with that, you are the problem we are hoping to overcome, politics as usual establishment style. That night, Cruz proved that he is every bit as establishment as every other politician in DC.
Cruz apparently has known from the start that he has very little chance of even getting the nomination let alone winning the presidency. The donors who gave him a pot of cash to work with enabled him to hire the slickest team of political subterfuge experts in the business. These are super smart and experienced people who know what they have been able to get away with in the past. The dirty tricks are just getting started.
The only problem is that Ted has a reputation of being pretty slick to start with. I don’t think that this is really true. He is very smart and willing to do anything to win, but he is not smooth like Obama or Bill Clinton. I don’t think he can pull it off because he is just not likeable. I don’t think his team will be able to tune him up enough to make him into an electable candidate.
I actually have a brother-in-law who reminds me a great deal of Ted Cruz. He shouldn’t ever run for president either. It would also be a disaster.
Oh my, they urged the Carson voters to support Cruz.
What a stupid statement.
I think it’s called politics.