I freely admit I don't know how the caucuses operate but if Cruz had all these precinct captains on site, where were all the Carson precinct captains on site to refute whatever the Cruz captains were saying?
Did Carson only have one rep to refute for all the caucuses locations?
Let's face it, everyone is pushing whatever scenario they choose to believe to justify their support of their candidate. In that sense, it isn't much different than what many are accusing the Cruz campaign to have done.
I have one question that I’ve seen no one ask.
Where are the Republican party reps that were at each precinct? Can they not clear some of this up?
This is another reason I think this is SOME ado about nothing. I firmly believe that Priebus and/or the rep party officials in Iowa (both whom detest Cruz, KNOW way more than about what happened than has been released. I think if that hurt Cruz, they’d be all over the place with it. I suspect they have nothing, which is they are seemingly wanting to just move on.