NEWS FLASH, dumb-ass Donald!: Lying is LEGAL in politics! NO politician will EVER be convicted for lying to the voters! Thus, the issue with Cruz is MOOT!
Why is it that Trump’s defense against anything is ad hominem assault? Who else does this? Really, Trumpsters, who else does this?
trump still getting advice from hitlery clinton maybe pelosi and schumer
does trump stil believe bush should be impeached
“Straight out of the DNC playbook. “
Beginning to wonder if Trump isn’t doing all of this for the DNC?
Look at how much discord he has caused here among supposed conservatives.
I didn’t know Donald Segretti was back in play and working the Cruz Campaign.
When it comes right down to it, Carson’s people are idiots. What campaign announces their candidate is not going to New Hampshire or South Carolina the night of the Iowa caucus but is going to take time off in Florida? It demonstrates Carson is not a serious candidate. The fact that he blames Cruz for HIS campaign’s announcement to CNN shows he takes no responsibility for his own campaign.
Cruz and Rubio did nothing wrong. They actually did everything right. They actually had organizations in place to take advantage of another campaign’s serious misstep. Good for them. It separates the real candidates from the wannabe candidates.
Trump, the world’s greatest everything, that hires the best people, demonstrated he hires inept people that didn’t know to react to take advantage of a serious blunder by Carson. The point of a caucus is to persuade as many people as possible.
Trump failed to do so. He had no ground game. He bragged about how little money he spent. He didn’t do retail politics. He skipped the debate days before the caucus. He hired inept people. He has universal name recognition and packed arenas and still couldn’t capitalize enough to win in Iowa. Now, his Twitter meltdown and cries of foul play make him look foolish on top of everything else.
The campaign is down to Cruz and Rubio.
Watch the video with BOR and Karl Rove on this thread.
Geez, he's starting to sound like Al Gore in 2000.
He lost, deal with it and move on. They're not gonna do a recount and all this whining just gives ammo to his detractors.
If he keeps crying this way, voters will start drooping off.
I have one simple question about this matter. Would it not be reasonable to expect that a Carson supporter who would go to all the trouble to attend a caucus would make a simple telephone call to the good Doctor’s campaign before they would change to Cruz or any other candidate. If these candidates are truly as naive as they are pretending, just wait until they get into the states where real hardball is played.
Boo hoo, Donnie.
If Trump thinks he got shafted, he should raise hell about it. I am tired of a Republicans who dutifully bend over and quietly take being cheated. I am glad Trump is not quietly taking it.