If you look at Santorum’s stance on the issues, especially immigration, he should have endorsed Trump or Cruz. He didn’t, which means the GOPe is trying to wipe both of them out and Rubio is the vehicle to do that. Both Trump and Cruz should fix their sights on Rubio and stop destroying one another.
I wish there was a way for Trump and Cruz to unite like the friggin Justice League but it isn’t going to happen. They both want it for themselves.
One of them has to survive to take out Rubio. I believe Trump is the one who can do it he is more likely to be able to take out the Establishment. Cruz more than anyone has slowed Trump down at least in Iowa. Neither is going to back down or back out until Rubio is in great position to win.
Sucks. I’m already dreading all the salivating over Rubio the little queer.